Fan Shops: From Virtuality to Territory

Hey Banco apostó por Fan Shops en México

  • A strategy aimed at creating an emotional bond with the community beyond financial transactions

It’s a physical space where users can interact, learn, and enjoy In a bold move towards transforming the banking experience, Hey Banco opened the doors to its Fan Shops in two cities in Mexico, marking a milestone in the fusion of digital banking and physical interaction with users.

The legitimate question that arises is: Why? A bank that was born digital, without branches, ventures into the physical world and opens its doors to interact with users.

But this move is not about a simple branch: a Fan Shop or experience store aims to build a community and change the traditional perception of financial institutions.

A new dimension of banking

Without lines, counters, or ATMs, Hey Banco’s Fan Shop is a space that is not a traditional bank branch. Manuel Rivero Zambrano, CEO of Hey Banco, described this effort as the “physicalization of a digital brand,” emphasizing the importance of experiences generated with users. This initiative is a bet on technology and interaction to redefine the relationship between customers and banking.

The intention is to create a new conception of banking by connecting the emotional plane and financial habits of customers; generating positive experiences from the first contact, moving away from the traditional perception of financial institutions as distant and unsympathetic entities.

Remember that this 100% digital bank was born 5 years ago in the fintech laboratory of Banregio. It has 1.2 million followers on social media and nearly a million users; the institution offers a complete range of financial products, from bank accounts and credit cards to investments and personal loans.

The value of the user experience

Banks are aware that many people have complicated experiences when visiting a traditional bank branch. The inclusion of elements such as virtual reality games, customizable products, and rewards through a rewards program are some of the strategies to reverse this.

Currently, Hey Banco has two stores in Mexico City and Monterrey, but the plan is to expand them.

Fan Shop for banking

The Fan Shop for banking is an innovative concept that goes beyond mere financial transactions. By offering a physical space where users can interact, learn, and enjoy, it breaks the traditional perception of financial institutions. This approach aligns with the growing trend of humanizing digital banking and creating experiences that go beyond the transactional.

Fan Shops can be a center for entertainment and financial education. A bet on the evolution of digital banking towards a closer, friendlier, and more community-oriented experience.


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